Direct to Consumer

Mobile applications for the music business

Fans pay you directly

to stream your music

We provide the streaming platform
You pay a monthly fee to us
You set the subscription price per month
Subscribers pay you via a merchant gateway

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What we do

We deliver new revenue opportunities for the music business

Direct to Consumer

Cutting out the middlemen. Currently, streaming music involves receiving money via both streaming platforms and digital distributors. We aim to change that so that rights holders can receive payments directly from their fans.


Live Music and 5G

5G will enable new apps and content management opportunities for live music.


New Live Music Revenues

5G ultra-wideband mobile infrastructure is enabling unprecedented connectivity speeds and bandwidth, even indoors. We are in the process of exploiting these exciting capabilities to solve many problems for the live music business.



A mobile music streaming platform that allows rights holders (artists and record labels) to charge fans a subscription for streaming their service.

How it works

The fan will land on a mobile splash page that lists all of the channels available for subscription. Each channel is managed by a rights holder that would either be an independent record label or an independent artist. All music streaming is paid for by subscriptions. There will be no free streaming. This is because the music will already be known to the fan.

Take control of your music streaming revenues

Collect subscriptions from your fans directly

Contact us

Please contact to discuss how we can work together

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